The new July 1 retail fuel prices are not adding up. Having read about them here and here, and having looked back at my own historical fuel price data, as well as the text of PM Mottley’s mini-budget speech, I will argue that something is not adding up, and here it is: The last fuel price change…

Read More Barbados Fuel Tax Takes Effect July 1, New Fuel Prices Do Not Add Up

Dr. DeLisle Worrell, former Governor of the Barbados Central Bank, has just circulated, via email, his latest article on how the retrenchment of public sector workers benefits the economy. The full article appears below (reprinted with permission). How the Retrenchment of Public Servants Benefits the Economy The proposed retrenchment of public sector workers, which is…

Read More Former Central Bank Governor on the Benefits of Public Sector Retrenchment