
  Gender diversity in the boards of directors of companies is an important topic across the globe. Research indicates that women are still underrepresented. It appears that the Caribbean is no different. Based on informal research and a sample of eight Caribbean companies, the majority of boards consist of men. Research Background The catalyst for…

Read More Gender Diversity in the Boards of Directors of Caribbean Companies

Countries with larger populations do not always equate to higher murder rates. While searching for crime statistics for Barbados I came across the Royal Barbados Police Force 2013 Annual Report. Listed on Page 33 was a “Crimes Against The Person” table. The table lists totals for several crimes, including murder, from 2009 to 2013. I…

Read More Caribbean Murder Rates 2013

Yesterday I looked at historical election data for Barbados. Today I’m focusing on voter turnout across the Caribbean. Using Caribbean Elections (C.E.) as my source, I focused on recent election results across several Caribbean countries and zeroed in on voter turnout. I also included voter turnout values for recently held elections in the US, UK and…

Read More Voter Turnout During Recent Caribbean Elections