In my last KFC related post I looked at 1) The Caribbean country with the largest number of KFC stores and 2) The Caribbean country with the largest number of KFC stores per capita (i.e., per 100,000 persons).
For my second serving (or helping) of KFC related posts, the chart below looks at the countries with the most KFC stores per 100,000 people. What’s interesting to note is that 12 of the top 34 countries with the largest number of KFC’s are CARICOM countries.
(Notes: 1) Saipan, population 1,028 persons has 1 KFC store. They have been excluded as their inclusion would have skewed the chart wildly given that their per capita value would be 97.28 KFC outlets per 100,000 persons. 2) Below the chart is a table showing countries, KFC stores, population and per capita values. KFC store values are based on Yum! brands Q3 2019 results. Population values were either obtained from World Bank data or Google queries at the time of this post).

Hi Amit, good analysis. I wonder though I was once told that T&T has the highest KFC percentage in the Caribbean. Now I see its SXM!
Another I thing I noticed is that the smaller island have the highest %. How come?
If you excluded Saipan shouldn’t you also need to do something with SXM, Bonaire and the smaller islands?
Not sure how to handle this data set my self.
Let’s discuss this a bit further.